A Foundation Is Also a Part of Society and Can Even Have Their Own Personalities as a Juridical Person – Paper Windmill Truck Art Project.
The Paper Windmill Truck Art Project is one of the CSR initiatives created by RC during his tenure as a logistics executive. At the time, RC believed that if a company wants to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), it should not just focus on paying tax as a redemption and for the sake of public relations. The personality of a company should be demonstrated not only in its operations but also in its community participation. The company must constantly examine what it wants to do, what is suitable for it to do, and what things only it can achieve.

Not Only Concerned with the Views of the World but Also Challenging the Way We View the World: the Philosophy of Art Collection.
The Winsing Art Place recently exhibited the "Green, Yellow and Pink" and "Untitled" series by British artist Ann Veronica Janssens, both of which are part of RC's art collection. Below, the host of RC Venture Philanthropy shares his experience and thoughts on collecting these works.

A Leader of Contemporary Art — Helping Taiwanese Art Connects to the World.
Not only do we love contemporary art for the collection, but with the spirit of investment, we look forward to the overall environment of Taiwanese contemporary art being complete and keeping up with the international trend.

Focusing on Making Tomorrow Better Than Today Instead of Daydreaming: RE-THINK.
Taiwan has a long coastline and is affected by ocean currents, which unfortunately means that beach cleaning is an endless cycle. However, an organization that started with beach cleaning actions and a founder who works in the design industry are trying to take a positive and proactive approach towards sustainability.

From Administrative Logistics to Project Collaboration, the Delightful Role of Being the
By the conclusion of 2012, g0v was established, carrying on the "open source" philosophy. Together with OKFN in Europe and Code for America in the United States, g0v has quickly established itself as one of the top three decentralized civic tech communities in the world. This has only taken three and a half years. It serves as both an inspiration for the establishment of the RC Culture and Arts Foundation and as a vision for the future.

Without Completing Accounting and Finance Credits, You Can Still Understand Your Responsibility as an NP(G)O: Association of Philanthropic Accountability
The Association of Philanthropic Accountability is committed to promoting financial transparency and governance capacity building for public interest organizations (NGOs, NPOs), allowing stakeholders, including donors and government agencies, to engage in full dialogue and mutual understanding.

Without Extra Effort, Public Welfare Becomes A Part of Our Daily Lives: Taiwan Read Organization.
Different values will lead to different actions, and the Taiwan Read Organization, initiated by grassroots teachers, believes that teachers are an important driving force in developing reading habits among students, and that class reading is the means to put this belief into practice. The process design, efficiency improvement, and motivation methods for implementing the program also have room for corporate participation. For companies, public welfare does not have to be an additional expenditure but can be incorporated into their daily operations.

How Much Can You Sacrifice for
MABOW established in 2013, and started the company in an abandoned classroom at National Taiwan University. Built on the foundation of elderly people's familiar habits, MABOW integrated video call functionality into television sets, introducing a simple two-way video communication via remote control.